2. Sorry for all the typos in the last post. What can I say? I was tired. But how lame is that?
3. As for the layout of photos and text, which is confusing, all I can say is that neither the "compose" window nor the "preview" window in this program looks quite like the actual blog window. In the "preview" window the text and photos did at least mainly line up. I think free programs like this one ought to be perfect, don't you?
4. Grumble, grumble.
5. The largest correction, which eventually I hope became clear to anyone who read this, is that we went with Bill and Sharon to Vienna and then on to BUDAPEST, not Salzburg.
But the views from the mountain were wonderful. On the left you can see the restaurant where we ate under one of the red umbrellas, the end of Wolfgangsee and the village of St. Gilgen, and part of Mondsee in the background. And here's Marlyce with the other end of Wolfgangsee
Dad, I'd just like to point out that even with a few typos, your blog entries are miles ahead of about 95% of the material on the internet. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Glad you guys had such a good time and got home safe! I'll see you in four weeks!!
Aw. Thanks, Ben. I'm afraid that this blog may go rather dark, now that Gundy is no longer in Salzburg, but maybe I'll add a few final things.
See you soon!
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